So, What is my start-up about?

It’s wild, isn’t it? Another guy is doing a startup. Another company. Am I just doing it to look cool? Am I doing it to get a job, or do I have a motive?

On top of that, it is a skincare startup (Reflect Health). What is a guy doing in a skincare startup? Well, it's not because I one day suddenly got up and felt like it but because I know how it felt like being the one going through the downs with my skin.

I know how it feels to be judged because, on a Monday morning, you have those pimples on your face, those disgusting whiteheads, and everyone is just like, god, that guy looks weird. Being a foodie, I never thought that my diet also impacted my skin. I love my Butter Chicken, Dal Makhani, and butter-dripping Garlic Naan. Now, how was I supposed to know that diet, my then non-existent water intake, and lack of sleep was playing a massive hand in screwing up my skin?

Going from doctor to doctor trying to figure out it’s this, changing that, buying endless amounts of products, wasting thousands of pounds, and finally having something that works. It's exhausting and, to be honest, very annoying. I was sure that if I were going through this, others would be going through this. When I came to the UK and saw people stocking £ 50 worth of moisturisers on their shelves, I was sure it was a skincare epidemic. My assumption was confirmed when I went through Reddit and saw people posting pictures to get others' opinions on what works. So basically, people ask others who have or are suffering from their problems to get advice on their concerns, but that’s just wrong!

I knew I just needed to change something, even if it was for one person who could benefit from it and make their life easier! Accessing information is easy today, but how do you know it’s relevant to you? Does it work for you? Well, that’s the question.


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